people by department in france in Chinese
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- france
- 短语和例子 France 1 n. 1.法朗士〔姓氏〕。 2.Anatole France 阿纳多勒法朗士〔1844-1924,法国小说家,批评家〕。 n. 法国,法兰西。
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- a people
- 指民族; 指一个国家或地区的
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- people
- n. (pl.1.为 peoples, 其他为 people) 1. 种族;民族。 2. 人民。 3. 居民;(团体、行业等中的)人们。 4.〔常与所有格连用〕(对君主而言的)臣民;教区教徒,随从;家,家属,亲属;〔学生用语〕亲戚;祖先。 5.〔the people〕平民,老百姓。 6.(一般的)人,人们;人类 (opp. animals)。 7.〔作不定代名词用...
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- the people
- 人民,公诉人
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- they these people
- 那些人; 这些人
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What is the meaning of people by department in france in Chinese and how to say people by department in france in Chinese? people by department in france Chinese meaning, people by department in france的中文,people by department in france的中文,people by department in france的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by